Join A Care Group

At Hillsdale we believe in Care Groups - small groups of people who are purposefully committed to living life together. There are around 50 Care Groups at Hillsdale that meet weekly to grow in their faith together. Most groups begin meeting in September (when they are formed and re-formed) and break for the summer.

Getting involved in a Care Group is the main way to get plugged in at Hillsdale. If you are not yet in a Care Group, consider one of the following options.

Types of Care Groups

Adult Groups

  • Welcome Group: Designed for those who are new to Hillsdale, these groups are formed as needed and have a three or four week duration.
  • General Groups: These are mixed gender groups for married or single adults of any age.
  • Women's Groups: Meeting at the church or in homes, these groups are for single and/or married women.
  • Men's Groups: There are groups for single and/or married men.
  • Senior's Group: This is a mixed gender group specifically for seniors.
  • Young Marrieds: This group is designed for couples who have recently been married.

Student Groups

  • Junior Youth: Tuesday night Care Groups at the church for Grades 6-8
  • Senior High: Tuesday night Care Groups at the church for Grades 9-12
  • Young Adults: Thursday night Care Groups at Hillsdale for post-high school young adults.

Request a Care Group

Would you like to join a small group? We would love to help you find a group that fits your life situation and your present spiritual needs.

To begin the process of finding a Care Group, please ask for a Care Group Request Form from one of the information booths at the church and fill out the form . We will contact you to talk to you further about your request. We want to find a group that is a good fit for you; the process may take some time.